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“Actual mermaids will be swimming in the pool at the Asbury Hotel,” Mehmaid said. Look for a new attraction on Sunday, July 1. The after-party is back at the Yacht Club with the Gypsy Funk Squad and the Jolly Daggers playing. There is no charge to walk in the Promenade, but there is a $10 charge to enter the costume contest. at the Asbury Park Yacht Club on the boardwalk, is very inclusive, with lots of families participating. There are pufferfish, guppies, sea horses, lobsters, pirates and octopuses on the boards. Like we said, they come in all kinds in Asbury Park. More: Murphy marches in Asbury's LGBTQ pride parade “There seems to be a lot of people who are repeat Promenaders.” “I like the way people keep coming back,” said head mermaid Jenn Mehmaid, aka Jen Mehm of Asbury Park.

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